Right, I'm still taking requests here (post is f-locked, so if you've found this somewhere and you're not on my flist and you still want something, drop me a comment here!). Here's the first lot, bundled together and posted nicely, and I'm off to bed now. More tomorrow :)
Title: tell rock n’ roll i’m alone again Fandom: Torchwood Pairing: Owen/Ianto (plus loads of others; mainly Owen/Suzie, Jack/everyone, Jack/John, Gwen/Rhys, Ianto/Lisa, Adam/Tosh) Challenge/Prompt: au_bingo - Band Rating: PG-15 Word Count: 17,050 (WHAT THE FUCK) Genre: Slash Copyright: Title is from Alpha Dog by Fall Out Boy. Warnings: Canon minor
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I'm struggling a bit at the moment and so need to achieve things that are small and manageable. So have 11 more 300-word drabbles, once again posted on ou_est_jack.
For reasons unclear to myself, I want to get a hundred 300-word drabbles written between now and the end of term. As you do. I'm using the fanfic100 table as loose prompt inspiration and I'm posting said drabbles on ou_est_jack, which is my terribly pretentious drabble journal, but I'll be linking them over here so you'll see them all anyway. Here are the first
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Title: In Shining Armour Fandoms: Chronicles Of Narnia/Torchwood Pairing: Caspian/Tosh Challenge/Prompt: crossovers100, 017. Brown Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 4200 Genre: Het (and somewhat cracky, what with the crossover and all) Timeline: Between Something Borrowed and From Out Of The Rain, & post-movie. Summary: “Well, whatever it is, it looks good wet,” Ianto
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Title: Like There’s A Part Of Me That I Want To Get Back Again Fandom: Torchwood Pairing: Owen/Ianto Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 7385 Genre: Slash Copyright: Deep by Nine Inch Nails (yesyes I know, shush) Summary: Gleefully AU. “Ianto still believes he’s been in a coma the last couple of years and has been re-recruited to Torchwood One following his
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